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Crochet Companions Connect!

Wesley Mission

Logo for Wesley Mission

Do you like Crochet? Do you enjoy chatting to new people and listening to stories? Do you have 1 hour a fortnight to share with someone?

We are currently seeking a volunteer to visit a lovely elderly lady who loves to crochet rugs for people in her community. We would love to find a volunteer who has an interest in crochet or any creative interest to spend at least one hour a fortnight with her.

We're looking for kind and compassionate people who can bring friendship and fun to an isolated older person in your community.

What's involved?

Fortnightly visits at a time that suits both you (the visitor) and the older person where you'll provide companionship and enjoy each other’s company.

As a volunteer in this role you would be supported by a dedicated Volunteer Coordinator from Wesley Mission.

If you think this role is for you, or you'd like to know more - hit APPLY