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Support Staff for travel for older people

Holiday Explorers Inc.

Logo for Holiday Explorers Inc.

Without our volunteers we would not exist. They provide support for our clients to experience the life enriching opportunities that a new environment and people can bring. They act as role models and mentors for people who experience social isolation, encourage and monitor interaction with the general public, and act as tour guides for our groups on excursions.

Holiday Explorers provides 24/7 back up and support for our volunteers while they are with our groups. We provide introductory and ongoing training and can assist with applications for all required screening and checks. We travel in small groups of 5-8 people, including a volunteer team of 2-3 support staff. There are basic money handling and receipt keeping tasks involved in this role.

Our volunteers choose the trips they would like to support according to their interests and availability, so a regular weekly or monthly commitment is not required - at a minimum we would encourage one trip every 3 months to keep skills up to date.

We are a friendly, supportive and welcoming organisation that recognises and celebrates the unique life skills and diversity of backgrounds that our volunteers bring to this role - contact us today!

There are no specific skills needed for this role, but the type of personal characteristics we are looking for include people who are reliable, organised, patient, friendly, good team players, and good problem solvers. We sincerely hope that our volunteers enjoy supporting our holidays as much as our clients enjoy experiencing them!