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Eastern Health Community Advisory Committee

Eastern Health

It is expected that the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) member will:

  • have an interest in the work of the committee;
  • raise issues that staff may not have considered;
  • ask questions that reflect community expectations or understanding;
  • participate in discussions with the committee in an open, constructive and respectful manner;
  • attend regular meetings (currently held virtually);and
  • maintain confidentiality regarding sensitive information and organisational matters discussed by the committee.

Participation in additional committee-related activities, such as attending pre-CAC meeting community member planning sessions and consumer events is strongly encouraged.

The Community Advisory Committee member can expect that Eastern Health will endeavour to ensure that:

  • any issues that may arise in relation to attendance and participation are recognised and reasonable efforts are made to address them;
  • support is provided by the Chair, Community Advisory Committee, Community Co-Chair Community Advisory Committee and the Manager, Consumer Participation & Community Engagement;
  • constructive feedback is provided about the value of the Community Advisory Committee member’s contribution and participation;
  • electronic access to meeting papers is provided before each meeting, normally during the previous week (unless alternative arrangements are necessary).


  • Attend and actively participate in at least 75% of meetings, which are normally held during business hours, for two hours every second month.
  • Ensure familiarity with the content of the papers before each meeting
  • Treat all committee documents as confidential and keep them secure from unauthorised access.
  • Behave in a courteous, respectful and tolerant manner at all times.

Expenses Car parking will be provided for on-site meetings and reasonable out of pocket expenses will be reimbursed for participation in meetings of the committee.

Key Selection Criteria For appointment to the Community Advisory Committee applicants must:

  • Be 16 years of age and over.
  • Have used health services and/or be able to represent the views of the community serviced by Eastern Health.
  • Be able to reflect the diverse needs and interests of consumers and communities.
  • Be a member of the Eastern region community with community experience.
  • Be able to articulate the potential issues that confront patients, families and carers who receive services from Eastern Health.
  • Be able to work constructively with fellow committee members and Eastern Health staff and management to improve the accessibility and responsiveness of Eastern Health services.
  • Be able to contribute to the functions of the Committee and attend at least 75% of scheduled meetings.

It is desirable but not mandatory for applicants to:

  • Be from or have an understanding of the experiences of the diverse communities that Eastern Health serves, including but not limited to people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds, people from LGBTQIA++ communities, people with disabilities or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in using health services.
  • Have established links with health consumer or community groups.
  • Be willing to participate in working groups or additional activities of the Community Advisory Committee.
  • Understand committee processes and key governance principles and practice.
  • Be willing to receive and work with committee documents electronically. Meetings of the Eastern Health Board and its committees are paper-free.

Please email Rachel at [email protected] if you are interested and would like to read a copy of the committee Terms of Reference or if you have any further questions.