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We are looking for green thumbs to help with our Multicultural Garden at our Ocean Star facility located in Bunbury. Our residents love this outdoor area but are no longer able to independently care for this space. It is need of TLC. We would love to bring it back to life. Any time that you can spare would be greatly appreciated!

Some duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Engage with residents, sharing stories, and building friendships while working together in the garden.
  • Planting new flowers, herbs, or vegetables to add color and diversity to the garden.
  • Weeding flower beds and pathways to maintain a tidy and healthy environment.
  • Watering plants to ensure they receive the hydration they need to thrive.
  • Pruning shrubs to promote growth and maintain the garden's shape.

These activities provide a wonderful opportunity for volunteers to connect with both nature and the community, fostering a sense of belonging for our residents, while contributing to the garden's beauty and vitality.