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Volunteer Music Playlist Curator

The Stairway Project Inc

Each week our presenters produce a range of programs, and each program requires a crafted music playlist.

We'd like a volunteer to curate multiple (many many) playlists from our music database. Examples could be:-

  • Great music from 1952
  • Songs with iconic beginnings
  • Music from films
  • Great guitar solos
  • One hit wonders
  • The sound of Prince (music he performed, produced, wrote) ... you get the gist. You can be as creative and tenuous in your connection as you like, as long as there is a theme. The catch - you can only use music from our database (as that's what we pay our licence to use).

This is a unique opportunity. You'll have the opportunity to build skills in a supportive environment.

Our premise is an online radio station that helps people (particularly those over 50) to feel more comfortable and informed about technology so they can use it to make their lives easier. Technology is changing so fast at the moment, it can be quite daunting, and we want to help reduce the fear and risk. We'd like someone to join us who would like to help us fulfill our objectives.