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Logo for People Who Care - supported by Cockburn Volunteer Resource Centre

The Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS) program needs Community Volunteer Visitor's to support their program. This role focuses on the needs of older people at higher risk of feeling isolated, including the special needs groups under the Aged Care Act 1997.

ACVVS aims to help develop social connections and provide friendship and companionship to older people in the community. The recipients of the program are either receiving a Home Care Package or are living in a residential aged care facility.

Volunteer benefits include contributing to the wellbeing of an older person in the community. Many of the volunteers are the only visitors the recipient may have.

Key Tasks

The volunteer meets once a week or once a fortnight with an ACVVS recipient. The role aims to build friendship between the volunteer and the older person. The recipient will either be living in their home receiving support services or living in a residential aged care facility. The volunteer visits with the recipient for a chat, a cup of tea/coffee, play card/board games, listen to music or other activities both enjoy.

About People Who Care

The services People Who Care offer incorporate house-keeping assistance, household and garden maintenance, social centres, home companionship and services to connect you to your community, including transport and group outings with peers.

** Please note this position is advertised by the Cockburn Volunteer Resource Centre on behalf of the organisation above.