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You will be working with a team of other volunteers and your time commitment will be only that which you are willing to give, be that an hour here and there or a more regular commitment if available.

Our Club operates under a Volunteer Management Plan and we can also tailor roles to align with your skill set and availability.

Specifically, we are looking for your help in any of the following areas:

Assisting with the organisation of social events Helping to run raffles

Assisting with letter box drops by delivering leaflets to streets surrounding your home.

Assisting with the making of sandwiches /BBQ for mud week games and Saturday pennants.

Or just generally helping around the Club

Working behind the bar (Responsible Serving of Alcohol accreditation will be arranged).

Helping with the maintenance of our greens and grounds.

Coaching and/or officiating as umpires and markers.

Assisting with the conduct of bowls events for non-club members. This mainly involves showing people where bowls are located, getting score cards, explaining how the game works and then keeping an eye on them for a while until they get the hang of it.

Assisting with the conduct of evening bowls events for Club members, such as Jack Attack, family bowls etc.