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Do you love to dance? Become a 'Mover' with emotion21

Inclusion Foundation

emotion21 provides evidence- based, innovative dance, fitness and wellness programs for people with Down syndrome and are seeking volunteer 'Movers'.

The program volunteer or ‘Mover’ is a support of the teacher in the class and their role is to assist the teacher to ensure each emotion21 participant is engaged, learning and participating ensuring they access the benefits of the program i.e. developing in movement skills (e.g. physical skills), experiencing the psychological benefits of the program (e.g. the joy of movement, new friendships, and power of ‘belonging’ in a community etc.) and is being encouraged to grow in the social skills that come from working in a team environment.

The role of the class mover can be likened to that of an assistant coach (with the teacher being the coach!). The Mover encourages full participation from the participants in the class, believes in their potential and helps to bring out their best. Being guided by the teacher and customising your style to suit each individual’s needs, your role is to assist the participants to develop their skills to the best of their ability. You are a role model for the participants in class with your contagious enthusiasm and positivity. The teacher may assign you different roles in the class such as assisting with behavior management of a small number of participants; one-on-one time with a particular individual who requires additional help or being a role model for the class and following the teacher’s instructions.

You demonstrate the emotion21 core values of CARE, RESPECT, FUN and LEARN in all your interactions and when all else fails you are not afraid to…!

Volunteer Duties include:

• Participate in training i.e. in all relevant induction and training programs, and agree not to share or sell Emotion21’s intellectual property • Wear the uniform i.e. prescribed footwear (black sports shoes), black pants and emotion21 t-shirt or black t-shirt (if at an event). • Hair must be tied back if long and no jewelry. • Respect the rosters i.e. communicate any changes to your commitment that may impact the rosters to the Volunteer Coordinator on a timely basis and arrange a swap with another mover where possible if you cannot attend a shift. • Arrive 15 minutes early to connect with the site manager, greet any participants and families waiting and report to the teacher. • Participate in pre-class and debrief activities i.e. assist the teacher with room set-up, obtain an overview of the session, clarify expectations and participate in the end of class debrief and pack down activities. • Operate under the direction and supervision of nominated staff, movers and teachers • Be a role model in your attitude (having fun, care, respect and learning), demonstrating the choreography, wearing the proper uniform and encouraging compliance with the class rules for each age group (e.g. dance on your feet, no touching) • Support our participants by using errorless learning to achieve success through helping them learn new choreography right from the start • Encourage our participants to be independent and be mindful not to ‘over-assist’ which can lead to learned helplessness • Support positive behavior by focusing on and rewarding positive behaviors • Modify your communication style where needed (e.g. use visual aids, sign language, eye contact, allow time to respond, short/concise sentences) to suit the learning strengths of the participant/s as directed by the teachers • Support our participants at community events and concerts where your schedule allows • Comply with all health and safety regulations as directed by the nominated staff/volunteer (note: all emotion21 events are non-smoking and drug/alcohol free). • Ensure confidentiality in accordance with policy and professional standards (see below).

So if you are interested in joining a fun, caring and energetic team and have an interest in people with a disability, young people, education/learning support, behavioral support, music/movement/dance we can't wait to hear from you!