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Social Support Volunteer

Uniting Victoria And Tasmania

Logo for Uniting Victoria And Tasmania

If you’re interested in connecting people who are socially isolated, we’d love to hear from you! Support a person living with a disability to meet their goals of staying independent and connected to their community.

Zena would love to make a social connection with someone who has the time for a chat and cuppa and support her in improving her English language skills! Zena would love to access her local community, but ill-health and mobility and a resulting lack of confidence make this difficult. Through the Social Support volunteer program, you will be provided with the training and resources to assist with this connection. Goals of the program: Support a person living with a disability to build sustainable connections in their community. Teach a new skill to someone wanting to learn. Research and identify local social activities available. In turn you may: Gain a greater sense of community and belonging, plus the satisfaction of helping your community, sharing your skills, and making a positive difference to a person. Expand your friendships and professional networks, and; Develop your interpersonal skills