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Bus Driver required for local retirement village.

Needs to be available on Tuesday mornings 8.45am to get the bus to load residents (usually only 4-5) then drive to shopping centre, help them off the bus. Not required to stay at shopping centre can come back to Village and then go and pick up again at 11.30am. Once back at the village with the shoppers, you are required to drop them and their shopping at their villas if required by them. This is a weekly trip and one week they go just to DFO the following week they go to Earlville Shops.

Once a month on the last Friday 8.45-11.30am to Smithfield shopping centre and the same scenario applies. You do not have to stay the 2 hours at the shopping centre but be there to pick them up.

Person will be assisting elderly residents on and off the bus with shopping. A helpful and happy disposition advantageous. Training supplied.

Modern 10 seater bus for use during trips and only C class licence required.

Volunteer will require Criminal check which will be paid for by the Retirement Village and clean driving record.

Required as soon as possible.