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Volunteer Host, Virtual Social Centre

Feros Care Virtual Social Centre

Logo for Feros Care Virtual Social Centre

Are you an innovator?

Would you like to be part of an innovative program which uses technology to connect seniors from all over Australia?

Are you interested in learning something new and creating a fun safe space for our seniors to meet and make new friends?

Enter the VSC..... Virtual Social Centre! The Virtual Social Centre is a vibrant online community hosted on a web-based platform that enables seniors to connect with each other through a range of diverse sessions. This virtual community connects seniors to each other from the comfort of their home. There is a range of programs we deliver including languages, book clubs, exercise sessions, developing life stories, writing, cooking, arts, dancing, singing, chat clubs, innovations in technology, and literature. 

HOST: Lead a session on the platform in whatever is your passion. It could be a singing group, cooking session, teaching a language or a chat-based session. Hosts can elect to deliver sessions weekly or fortnightly, but we generally require a regular commitment to ensure continuity for the seniors.

REQUIREMENTS: device (tablet/laptop/computer), camera, microphone (or headphones) and reliable internet. We do not encourage the utilisation of mobile phone data/ hot spotting due to the possible charges that may be incurred. So how can YOU make a difference in YOUR community?

  • Support our seniors to connect to the VSC through real social interaction.
  • Engage, inspire and connect with people from different backgrounds, experiences and lives
  • Empower people to live their best lives.
  • Discover new things about yourself and grow in your own life
  • Help our seniors to connect to the new world of technology

We welcome candidates from all over Australia as this role can be completed in an online capacity If you think you could be part of this innovative and exciting new place, then get in touch. To apply online, please click on the appropriate link. Alternatively, for a confidential discussion, please contact VSC Team on 1300 671 331.