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IFYS Foster Care Cairns

IFYS Ltd is a Foster Care Agency funded by the Department of Child Safety, Seniors and Disability Services to recruit, train and support Foster Carers. We are funded for over 300 children who require out of home care. The ages range from birth to 17 years old. The goal of the Department of Child Safety and IFYS is return these children back to family. IFYS Foster Care are looking for volunteers who can open their homes and hearts and care for these children, in any capacity that may work for them. It could be a weekend once a month that the volunteers can provide care. It could be for 6 months or for 2 years. The Department of Child Safety will work hard in the background to seek out other family who are suitable, until they can return to their biological family. You can be single, retired, work part time or full time and still be a foster carer. You do receive financial reimbursement to care for these children. The process to become a volunteer Foster Carer will not cost anything but your time.

1 volunteer opportunity found

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