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Kareeba Scouts

Logo for Kareeba Scouts

Scouts is an organisation that is all about fun, friendships and 'learning by doing'. At Kareeba Scout Group, we provide youth members aged 5 to 18 with enjoyable and challenging opportunities to grow through new adventures. To achieve this we very much rely on the support provided by our adult volunteer members. With youth and adult members from various backgrounds and with varying abilities, Scouts is the largest and most successful youth organisation in Queensland and the world. Kareeba Scout Group is one of the largest Scout groups in the Gladstone Region and as we are in a wonderful part of Queensland , we can all explore adventure within our amazing local outdoor environment. - Interested in volunteering with Kareeba Scout Group and over the age of 18? There are many roles for adults in Kareeba Scout Group. In fact, the most successful Scout Groups are those where there is strong adult support. You may become one of the Leaders of a Joey Scout unit, Cub Scout unit, Scout unit or Venturer Scout unit, an Adult Helper, a Youth Program Supporter or take on one of our many volunteer roles available! - Scouting isn’t just for youth members, it’s something the whole family can experience together. There are a number of ways in which parents and older siblings of youth members can get involved: * Become a Scout Leader, Adult Helper or Youth Program Supporter * Be a parent helper, volunteering for duties such as Scout hall set up or clean up, helping with DIY jobs or gardening. * Raise funds for the Scout Group, through fundraising events and activities or grant seeking. * Become an active member of the Group Committee, which assists the Group Leader and Group Council and promotes the aims and principles of Scouting in conjunction with the Group. * Assisting with activities in a Scout Group such as Group excursions, food preparation and offering their unique talents and skills for a Group theme night. * Serve as an office bearer on the Group Committee (Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustee) and assisting with administration. * Serve on a sub-committee to undertake duties defined by the Group Leader or Group Committee. * Putting your life skills to good use – accounting, administration, fundraising, research, carpentry, equipment control etc! - Leaders (Aged 18+) Scout Leaders come from all walks of life, from parents of Scouts to childhood Scouts, to people with no Scouting experience at all! Leaders need to be motivated individuals committed to providing varied, exciting and dynamic programs for their Scout Group. Kareeba Scout Group and Scouts Queensland help Leaders deliver on that commitment by providing training and support in all aspects of Scouting, youth leadership, programming and safety. Leader training is provided through the Scouts Australia Institute of Training, which is accredited to award nationally-recognised VET qualifications in Leadership and Management. - Volunteers What many people don’t realise is that there are plenty of flexible ways adults can get involved with or contribute to Kareeba Scout Group without making the time commitment required for a uniformed leadership role. Volunteering opens up opportunities to: * Encourage, mentor and empower young people to be their best * Contribute to their local community * Rediscover adventure * Involve the whole family in a new adventure together * Have fun * Challenge themselves * Get active * Learn new skills * Be appreciated * Meet people with similar values * Gain recognised Leadership and Management qualifications Learn more about volunteering with Samford Scout Group at