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Children's Rights Australia Limited

Logo for Children's Rights Australia Limited

Core to Children's Rights Australia Limited )C.R.A.) is respecting the child’s right to know and be in contact with both biological parents where it is in the best interests and safety of the child. C.R.A. focuses on supporting disadvantaged Australian children and those whose parents are going through the process of separation or divorce in an effort to provide long-term positive benefits for the child(ren) and their family. It is a child’s birthright to be treated with respect and kindness, and to ensure they are emotionally, mentally and physically protected and developed so they can believe in a good future for themselves. C.R.A. is about providing each child with the tools, resources and support needed to navigate their childhood within their particular family dynamic to be loved, safe and protected (whatever that may look like). We have set up the first Op Shop as the primary income generator to enable the provision of these services.