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yourtown (QLD)

Logo for yourtown (QLD)

yourtown works with young people aged between 5 - 25 years who are facing serious issues such as physical and emotional abuse, homelessness, mental illness, financial hardship, low levels of literacy and numeracy, alcohol and drug abuse, family violence and employment, education and training needs. We are currently the largest provider of youth services in Australia and works with more than 250,000 young people each year offering services such as Kids Helpline, Parentline, family refuges and personal support, education, training and employment programs. yourtown programs are focused on early intervention to break the cycle of intergenerational welfare dependence and unemployment and aim to produce the following outcomes: - Early identification and treatment of mental and physical health issues - Reduction in substance abuse and offending and anti-social behaviours - Reduction in reliance on social housing - Increased participation in valued social activities - Improved self management, life and interpersonal skills - Improved capacity to benefit from skills training and work preparation programs Supporting yourtown services is our Community Volunteer Program where Volunteers are engaged to support a wide range of programs and offer valuable knowledge, time and experience to our young people to achieve positive outcomes. yourtown volunteers are able to support in a variety of activities including but not limited to; one on one / group mentoring, language literacy and numeracy tutoring.