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Far West Local Health District

Bordering three states, Far West Local Health District (FWLHD) covers 194,949 square kilometres in remote NSW. The District is sparsely populated, with 62% of its approximately 30,000 inhabitants living in the Silver City of Broken Hill. The remainder of the population live in agricultural towns along the Murray River, in small remote communities of 80-800 people or on stations throughout the District. FWLHD is the most sparsely populated local health district in NSW and has the highest proportion of Aboriginal residents (12%). The population is decreasing, ageing and experiencing significant morbidity related to lifestyle factors and chronic illness. The vision for Far West Local Health District is Excellence in Rural and Remote Health. The District is working to develop a more stable, resident workforce with reduced reliance on fly-in and agency staff, and ensuring that high quality services are provided in accredited, high quality facilities.