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Mummy's Wish

Logo for Mummy's Wish

Our Mission: To support Australian families with children aged 12 years and under, through the provision of practical, immediate and non-means tested support whilst mum is receiving treatment for cancer. Our Vision: Manage the distressing impact of cancer on mums and their family units. Every day around Australia, 13 other families have their lives turned upside down when they find out mum has cancer. We have supported more than 3000 families since 2007. At current operating capacity we can only support 20 per cent (one-in-five) of these families. But it is our goal is to deliver our service to every single mum who receives a cancer diagnosis, while caring for young children by the year 2025. That is 5000 mums. Every year. We know that every family’s situation is different and tailor our support for each family to ensure that these young families can keep functioning during mum’s battle with cancer. The work that we do allows mums undergoing treatment to cope with their illness and meet the physical and emotional needs of a young family. We connect with the mums on diagnosis and are there to offer support during her full treatment journey.