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RSPCA | Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

bjectives are to promote and enhance the well-being of society and the welfare of its animals by: - educating the community regarding the humane treatment and management of animals, and increasing public awareness and support of animal welfare; - enforcing the existing laws to prevent cruelty to animals; - influencing the amendment or development of legislation and standards considered necessary for the protection and welfare of animals; - encouraging and providing a sustainable, needs based network of animal welfare services across the State, for the care, shelter, treatment, rehabilitation, and protection of animals within the capacity and strategic directions of the organization, - providing relief programs to assist people within the community who are experiencing adverse circumstances, to enable them to care for or manage their animals. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Victoria) is a non-government, community based charity that works to prevent cruelty to animals by actively promoting their care and protection. RSPCA Victoria was established in Melbourne in 1871. Since this time, the RSPCA has become Australia's leading animal welfare charity. Across the state, the RSPCA's community services include the work undertaken by our Inspectorate, Animal Shelters, Clinics and Education teams.