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The Chung Wah Association Inc

Logo for The Chung Wah Association Inc

Chung Wah Association is WA's oldest surviving ethnic association. The core value of the Association is to support the social and welfare needs of its own community and to spread fellowship and goodwill through the wider Australian community. As the peak body representing the WA Chinese Community with Governments, Community organisations and business/industry groups. Since 1910 Chung Wah's membership has grown from handful of founding members to around 2,000 families today. Chung Wah members represent the worldwide chinese diaspora, are highly active in professional and cultural networks, and promote WA throughout Asia and worldwide. The Achievements of the Association in WA include the establishment of: * Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Service; * Chung Wah Chinese Schools promoting Chinese Education and cultural awareness; * Chung Wah Cultural Groups incorporating Lion and Dragon Dance, Dragon Boating, Table Tennis, Cultural Dance, Chinese Orchestra, Choir and Beijing and Cantonese Operas. * Holding Perth Chinese New Year Fair (community event) since 2012 * Holding Perth Chung Wah Cultural Festival (community event) from 2019 The Association is celebrating its 110th anniversary of its official establishment this year.